
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Con Te Partiro

 Assalamualaikum.. Hello everyone??
What do you feel from the beginning until the end of semester?? Great right??
Now, I want to talk about Con Te Partiro.. What is it?? haha .. Its means times to say good bye..
First of all, I want to say thank to teech because teaching me in Bel 311and also to my beloved fellow mates..I also want to apologize to teech and friends from all my wrongdoings. I hope that our friendship will last forever.  That's all from me.. Bye-bye,.. annyeong...



  1. Goodbye qira. thanks for helped me during in class. it is so hard for us to leave everything that we have go through, right? hmmmmmmm :( -hananilejen-

  2. waalaikumussalam..i'm fine..ermm great although there is many obstacle to face. I also our friendship will last forever. =)
    fasihah the minion..=D

  3. Yeah.. -hananilejen-of course it is so hard to leave everything.. including our "sweet memory" with teech.. hahha

  4. Take care Qira. Do not forget all that we have learned... together :-)

  5. absolutely great!!!! i will miss everything. the grammar jail esp.haha. gudluck!! -kim shu ai ba


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